.. _the_dataset: The Dataset *********** The following activities will use an *artificially generated* data set. Download and unpack the zip file :download:`dataset.zip ` in a folder in your personal computer. The folder should have the following files: ``student_list.csv``, ``midterm_results.csv``, ``forum_participation.csv``, ``blended_participation.csv`` and ``all_data.csv``. These files have been derived from the :ref:`previously described scenario`. This the information contained in each file: File ``student_list.csv`` A file with information about 500 students and the following column names: - **SID** (Student ID) - **Identifier** (an auxiliary field), - **email**, - **Surname**, - **GivenName**, - **MiddleInitial**, - **Full name**, - **Gender**, - **Course Code**, - **Program**, with one of the values `FSCI`, `FEIT`, `FASS` or `SMED`, - **Enrollment Type**, with one of the values `HECS`, `Local` or `International`, and - **Attendance** with values either `Full Time` or `Part Time`. File ``midterm_results.csv`` File with information about 461 students with the following columns: - **SID** (with values identical to those in the previous file), - **email**, - **Last Name**, - **First Name**, - Columns **Q01** to **Q10** with the result of the 10 multiple choice questions (1 means correct, 0 means incorrect), and - the column **Total** with exam score (over 100 points). File ``forum_participation.csv`` File with information about 500 student and their participation in the discussion forum in the course. The columns in this file are: - **SID** (with values identical to those in the previous files), - The columns **Days online**, **Views**, **Contributions** and **Questions** replicated four times for weeks 2-5 with the week number as suffix for the column name, and - the accumulated values for **Days online**, **Views**, **Contributions**, and **Questions** without any suffix. File ``blended_participation.csv`` File with information about learner engagement with the videos and questions complementing the videos for weeks 2 - 5 in the course. The columns in this file are: - SID (with values identical to those in the previous files), - Columns with names `Video_N_WM` contain the percentage of the video with number N in week M that has been visualized. For example `Video_2_W4` is the percentage of the second video in Week 4 that has been visualized. - Columns with names `Questions_N_WM` contain the number of questions from group N in Week M that have been answered. There are five questions per block. - Columns with names `Correct_N_WM` contain the number of questions from group N in Week M that have been correctly answered. File ``all_data.csv`` This file is simply the union of all the columns from the previous files. .. _key_columns: The format of all data files is *Comma Separated Values* or CSV. This format assumes that 1) the first line has the names of the columns separated by commas, and every line below that one contains the data for a row with the values also separated by commas. This format is used to store information with a structure similar to a table (rows and columns). Key columns =========== There are certain columns that are of special interest. If a column has a different value for each of the rows it is called a **key column**. The reason why are important is because once one value is selected it unequivocally identifies one row in the table. For example, educational institutions typically assign a unique identifier (SID) to each student. If a table contains information about a set of students (one student per row) and one column has the student ID, that column is then a **key column**.